Visit in arbo-arts

Visit in ARBO-arts


An occupational doctor’s visit (ARBO) in the Netherlands is a crucial component of the healthcare system in the workplace, playing a key role in ensuring the health and well-being of employees. This process, while having much in common with general medical practices, has specific features arising from the employer’s role and special regulations concerning mental health, such as depression or anxiety.

 Appointment Scheduling Procedure

In the Netherlands, it is the employer’s responsibility to schedule an appointment for the employee with the occupational doctor. This process is usually initiated when an employee reports a health issue that may affect their ability to work. Employers, mindful of the employee’s welfare and legal requirements, are obligated to provide access to medical care. This is part of a broader duty to care for the work environment and the health of employees.

Role of the Occupational Doctor

visit in arbo artsThe occupational doctor in the Netherlands, known as ARBO-arts, is tasked with assessing the employee’s health and providing appropriate recommendations to both the employee and the employer. These doctors are specially trained to understand the context of work and how it can impact health. Importantly, ARBO doctors must honor all health documents presented by the patient, including referrals from other specialists or test results.

Mental Health in Focus

In the case of mental health issues like depression or anxiety, the visit to the occupational doctor can be somewhat different. Mental health is treated as seriously as physical health. The occupational doctor must approach such a case with great empathy and understanding, taking into account not just the current mental health state of the employee but also how the work and work environment may be affecting this state.

Assessment of Mental Health

The occupational doctor conducts a detailed interview and assessment of mental health. This may include questions about work-related stress, personal issues, and other factors that may contribute to health problems. This assessment is critical in understanding the context of mental health issues and providing appropriate support.

Communication with the Employer

In cases of mental health issues, communication between the doctor and employer becomes especially important. The occupational doctor advises on adjustments to work duties or the work environment to help the employee recover. However, any recommendations are given with the confidentiality of the employee’s medical information in mind.

Further Care and Support

If necessary, the occupational doctor may refer the employee for further diagnostics or therapy to mental health specialists. In the Netherlands, there is a network of specialists and institutions ready to provide mental health care, which is important in the context of a comprehensive approach to employee health. An occupational doctor’s visit in the Netherlands, especially in the context of mental health issues, is a complex process that requires the cooperation of the employee, employer, and doctor. The role of the occupational doctor in this process is crucial, as they provide not only health assessment but also act as a mediator between the health needs of the employee and the demands of the work environment.

Individual Approach to the Patient

Each case is treated individually, with consideration given to the unique set of circumstances surrounding both mental health and the work environment. The occupational doctor must demonstrate an ability to listen to the patient’s needs and understand the specifics of their job to appropriately advise on further proceedings.

Education and Awareness

An important aspect is also the education and raising awareness among both employees and employers about mental health. Occupational doctors often participate in programs promoting healthy lifestyles and prevention of health issues, including those of a mental nature. Employers are encouraged to create a work environment that supports mental health and to understand the importance of early intervention and support.

Protection of Employee Rights

In the Netherlands, there is strong protection of employees’ rights, including in terms of mental

health. This means that an employee has the right to confidentiality regarding their health status and treatment, and this information cannot be used against them in a professional context. The role of the occupational doctor also includes ensuring that these rights are respected.

Challenges and Perspectives

Despite advancements, there are still challenges in effectively addressing mental health issues in the workplace. Work-related stress, long working hours, and other factors can significantly impact employees’ mental health. Therefore, developing effective strategies for supporting mental health in the workplace is an ongoing process.

An occupational doctor’s visit in the Netherlands in the context of mental health issues is a vital element of the healthcare system. It involves a comprehensive approach that considers both the individual needs of the employee and the specifics of the work environment. Key here is to provide appropriate assessment, support, education, and protection of employee rights. As the world of workevolves, the role of the occupational doctor and approaches to employee mental health will continue to develop to better meet the challenges of the modern work environment.


If you have a message from the company doctor and you are due for an appointment remember that our specialists can have a therapeutic interview with you and you will receive from us a certificate of interview in English which can make communication with the company doctor much quicker and easier because you are already maintaining from us an initial description of what is happening with you. You can submit this certificate to the company doctor along with other information about your condition. Remember that we are in the therapy business. We are not in a position to issue a certificate for, for example, a sore back or any other ailment in such a case.

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